GC 1064 P
Contemplation and Inner Peace.

GC 1000B P

GC 1126 G
“OM” is the reflection of absolute reality. It is said to be without beginning or end and embraces all that exists. The mantra “OM” is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme.

GC 1136 G
The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you. We are all made from the “One Divine Consciousness.”

GC 1137 G
Love consists of this: two solitudes that meet, protect and greet each other. — Rainer Maria Rilke

GC 1026 P
I am pure existence, pure consciousness, pure love.

GC 1126 G
“OM” is the reflection of absolute reality. It is said to be without beginning or end and embraces all that exists. The mantra “OM” is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme.

GC 1134A

GC 1133C
Chanted at the start of yoga practice, Shanti is meant to spread peace throughout the world.

GC 1133B
With gratitude the universe is endlessly abundant.

GC 1133A
Be mindful & present.

GC 1084 M

GC 1153 G
You are the universe in ecstatic motion. — Rumi

GC 1152 G
Everyone is the guru when you know how to listen.

GC 1150 M
Find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible...

GC 1138 G
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan the flames. — Rumi

GC 1123 MP

GC 1131 M

GC 1169 G

GC 1118A P
Find the place inside where nothing is impossible.

GC 1089 P

GC 1019 MP

GC 1083 M

GC 1079 MP
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving through you, a joy. — Rumi

GC 1057 M
When you know how to listen, everyone is the guru.

GC 1056 M

GC 1192 MP
Your essential nature is love.

GC 1054 M
Be open to whatever comes next.

GC 1052 M
Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.
— Rainer Maria Rilke
— Rainer Maria Rilke

GC 1051 M
May all beings be peaceful. May all beings be happy. May all beings be safe. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature. May all beings be free. — Metta Prayer

GC 1041 M

GC 1189B AJ
Remover of obstacles, dancing through difficulties.

GC 1148 G

GC 1190 AJ
Be guided in wisdom.

GC 1087 P
Surasundari: “The Beautiful Woman of the Gods.” Prominent on buttresses of temples these “Goddesses” offer themselves in alluring poses as they represent the eternal feminine.

GC 1133E
Honoring the divine nature in others.

GC 1133F
Center yourself in the present moment.

GC 1133K
Surrender and be guided.

GC 1133L
Embrace every little surprise.

GC 1133M
Celebrate the magic of friends and family. Printed on Silver Stock!

GC 1191 MP
A loving comfort to all.

GC 1119 MP
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. — Buddha

GC 1104 M
Uplifted Hands. Throughout history, the expressive hands appear in the iconography of all faiths. In Buddhism, Palm Upwards signifies unlimited giving. In Christianity, Raised Hand– Palm Outward, is a blessing of grace and kindness. In Hinduism, Hands of Siva, the Uplifted Hand denotes peace and protection. In Islam, the Open Hand signifies receptivity and peace. The Uplifted Hands here represent connection and surrender.