Altering reality!

While in Morocco I did a lot of research… discovering new patterns, colors, textures and any visual inspiration I could find. These discoveries came wrapped in a whole new light as I explored them as an artist. During my stay, spending time with fellow art residents and being introduced to local artisans, artists, designers and crafts people… well let’s …

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Experiment to keep it fresh

According to Pema Chödrön, “To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest.” This speaks to me deeply. Learning new techniques, new processes and new materials keeps my creative engine sharp…  constantly thinking up new things to make or how to adapt. I love “LEARNING“. Pictured …

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Think more Creatively…

Betty Edwards, author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, says “By opening access to the part of your mind that works in a style conducive to creative, intuitive thought, you will learn a fundamental skill of visual arts; how to put down on paper what you see in front of your eyes …

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Hundreds of mini art pieces!

What an exciting day! Business cards arrived. Generally, that wouldn’t make one THIS happy. But today, a box of literally hundreds of mini art pieces arrived. It was like opening a big box of candy. Now, I can’t wait to pass them out.

Accomplishing just about anything!

Every few months I catch myself getting so distracted that I don’t get anything done — it’s being in the “zone”, only it’s the wrong one. This “distracted zone”, is insidious, addictive and numbing. My breathing is shallow and I cannot focus, read or create. I remember the days of getting so much accomplished, which …

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Going Manual is a Choice!

I took an amazing photography class with an wonderful teacher — Rod Deutschmann. Photography is one of my interests. I integrate it in my work and I love documenting things of interest. I am given to using the manual settings on my SLR, but sometimes frustration takes over and I find myself reverting to the …

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What a Cut Up!

Just love a long weekend… the Pazzle was cranking. A few weeks ago I’d used paper stencils for some new monotypes I am developing. The thickness of the stock caused the printing paper to wrinkle and this was upsetting, as the originals would need matting… and I generally use “museum mounting” for my art pieces. …

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